Progress report 1

On the behalf of the UI team, welcome to our blog and website! We apologize for taking so long to get some content up on here, but our project has been a learning experience that we intend to share more and more of with you. Now, on to our first progress report…

Team United Innovators have held several STEM workshop exposing children to the world of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. In these workshops, targeted in particular at 8th and 9th graders, students were able to hands on activities such as building a paper tower using nothing but paper. Students were also able to build brushbots using toothbrushes, motors, batteries, and adhesive tape. With activities such as the paper towers and brushbots, students are now getting the foundation feeling of what it means to be apart of STEM, a core part in our objective of empowering them to pursue their interest in it.

On another note, we are currently hard at work on our main event, a large summit with a whole variety of awesome educational STEM related workshop that will be taking place in mid April. We have plenty planned that we will be sharing with you in upcoming posts.

As always, if you want to contact us, just drop us a line. There is a fancy email form on the website.

Man is the only creature that refuses to be what he is.

Albert Camus

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